Telling a visually compelling cell therapy story

Creating a product vision that captures stakeholder goals and inputs

A pharmaceutical corporation was focused on the development of a new type of treatment called CAR-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell) therapy. During this treatment a patient’s T cells (immune system cell) are changed in the laboratory so that they will attack cancer cells.

The goal of this engagement was to propose the user experience of the CAR-T REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy) System, a drug safety program that tracks medications adverse effects to ensure the benefits of the medication outweigh the risks, by creating a story describing the patient safety processes and procedures from the perspective of the institution’s authorized representative and staff. 

Project Type

Project Date
November 2018 - January 2019

Senior UX Designer
Visual Design, Strategic Visioning, Storytelling, Prototyping

The Humaaans illustration library was leveraged in combination with custom illustrations to create the visual concepts

Stakeholder interviews & competitive analysis

Alongside a team of researchers we facilitated interviews with 3 to 5 stakeholders to understand business goals and desired outcomes for the final story and prototype.

The theme of connection is important. Connection between a superset of data and processes - being able to speak to that at a high level. 

The challenge is to represent it more at a global level as opposed to being focused on a specific REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy) process.

In the grand scheme of things, the objective hasn’t changed, still a communication tool. Messaging is important. Clarity is the first level for submission to the EMA.

Outling & creating the story

As the lead designer, I executed flow diagrams, capturing the journey of the users (customer care, authorized representative, staff), validated the workflows with key stakeholders, then utilized the diagrams to create workflows that would be included in the prototype story. 

Designing the screens needed to tell the story

Using the workflow diagrams, I began to piece together a series of screens to show the site certification process journey. I started with wireframes then quickly dove into full visuals, utilizing some design system elements generated on a past project with the client. The screens below highlight key inflection points in the journey.

Putting the story together & creating microanimations

Through the use of mock data and a set of representative screens, the team was able to demonstrate key aspects of the journey,  the 7 listed below, along with a non-coded prototype, or presentation, that represent the key facets of the user journey in the CAR-T REMS System. The business stakeholders were able to shop the prototype around to others within the organization in order to gain buy in on the ideas and future implementation of the CAR-T journey.


Conceptualizing a new, drive tracking insurance product


Digitizing a pharmaceutical supply chain tool